Compleat Games & Hobbies News

Welcome to "What's New" at Compleat Games & Hobbies. We will keep you up to date on new arrivals, coming attractions and upcoming events. Check in regularly!

Monday, August 29, 2005

Now there's an idea...

Nothing wrong with doing what you can with what you've got!

Friday, August 26, 2005

Friday releases

New stuff for Friday, August 26th

Apotheosis is here! New warcasters and massive warjacks!
Karchev the Terrible
Harbinger of Menoth
Lich Lord Terminus
Capt. Darius

Liber Mechanika for Iron Kingdoms
Shadows of Asia for Shadowrun
Sigmar's Heirs for Warhammer Fantasy Roleplay
Maximum Tech for Classic Battletech
Eternal Rome d20 RPG from Green Ronin
Spirosblaak d20 Campaign Setting from Green Ronin
Thieve's World Player's Manual from Green Ronin
Ruins of the Dragon Lord d20 box set from Mongoose Publishing

Cybernetic Revolution boosters for Yu-Gi-Oh
Unseeen Forces for Pokemon
We now have the complete Dragon Shield card sleeve line!

Monday, August 22, 2005

Gaming Miniatures Month!

Get ready for September because it's GAMING MINIS MONTH!

Bring your best figures in for the In-The-Case Contest. Minis can be entered up through the 17th of September. Every model will be judged on its own merits as well as first places in each category and best in show. Entries are $1 each.

Workshops and demos every Saturday. Come down on September 10th and 17th to work with internationally renowned figure painter Phil Esterle. Other workshops will also be going on as well!

Come in on the 24th for a FREE Reaper miniatures Paint-N-Take event! Get a miniature and paint it up here in the store, then it's yours to keep!

See you in September!

Friday, August 19, 2005

GenCon Week New Stuff!

New in this week!

Lore of the Forsaken for Werewolf
The Year's Best d20 by Monte Cook
Wars RPG from Mongoose
Dragon Magazine #335, Sept. 2005
Rifts Ultimate Edition
Rifter #31

Last Week:
Eberron Explorer's Handbook
Eberron Character Sheets
WMD for Paranoia
Iron Heroes from Monte Cook

Other Stuff:
Star Wars Miniatures HUGE Pack!
Hecatomb CCG - New clear plastic pentagonal card game
Confrontation 3 hard back rulebook
Xig! Puzzle game
Evolution Board Game
Model Cars Magazine July 2005
Warhammer Wood Elves Army
Pokemon: Unseen Forces boosters (release 8/24)
Legend of the Five Rings: Code of Bushido Decks & Boosters (release 8/22)

Thursday, August 18, 2005

Gaming Miniatures Month

Sorry for the long absence!

September is Gaming Miniatures Month! We will be having an in-the-case painting contest with categories for all types of miniatures. Entries will be accepted through the 17th of September, after which they will be judged and voted on. New awards this year will be Best in Show and People's Choice. Also new this year will be merit-based judging and top winners in each category.

We will also be hosting a series of painting workshops on Saturdays through September, sponsored by Reaper Miniatures. Check the calendar for exact details!

See you there!