Compleat Games & Hobbies News

Welcome to "What's New" at Compleat Games & Hobbies. We will keep you up to date on new arrivals, coming attractions and upcoming events. Check in regularly!

Thursday, August 31, 2006

Cool Stuff this week! 8-31-06

The new ANACHRONISM set is here! Pirates and Turks and Romanians, oh my (and Chinese).

The awesome Colossal Red Dragon is here too. If you've ever wanted to strike fear into the hearts of your adventureres, drop this baby on the table!

HORROR CLIX released on Wednesday, it's got a good feel, and it's compatible with Heroclix. Imagine Batman vs. an army of zombies...

Warmachine: Superiority and the new epic warcasters are here this week along with No Quarter #8 and Hordes Dice.

New collectible magic item cards for fantasy role-playing games from Paizo.

Killer Bunnies Khaki boosters are here!

The new Shadowrun book, Street Magic, is in.
Mysteries of the Occult for Etherscope.
The Golden Palace of Zahadran, Dungeon Crawl Classics #32
Worlds of Adventure for True20.
Golden Age for Mutants & Masterminds.
Crisis in Freeport for the d20 Freeport campaign setting.

Wednesday, August 30, 2006

Pirates Play Every Tuesday Evening!

Hey, ya scurvy dogs! We're starting some open Pirates play on Tuesday evenings, from 6-8pm. Your host is Ghnick (aka Nick) Haefner. Ghnick is going to start with open play, and as we get additional players, start to run set events. Naturally, there will be prizes!

So run up the colors and roll out the guns! Come join us Tuesday evenings! Call the store for additional information.

Tuesday, August 15, 2006


We may be "compleatly" out of our minds, but we're having a HUGE Games Workshop Inventory Reduction Sale. All GW sale items will be at least 30% off from Friday, August 11th through Sunday, September 17th. Tons of stuff will be on sale, not just the crap, so things will go fast!

Naturally, no other discounts will apply to these sale items.

Friday, August 04, 2006

New Stuff 8/4/06

New this week:


Reign of the Exarchs for Mage: The Awakening
Dragon-Blooded for Exalted 2nd Edition
The Infernal for Ars Magica
The Mysteries for Ars Magica
The Haunted Highlands adventure for Castles & Crusades

Pax Galacticum Expansion for Battlestations boardgame
CAYLUS is back finally!
Tempus from Cafe Games
New Zobmondo party games titles.

Skorne Cataphract Arcuarii Box for Hordes
Skorne Cataphract Arcuarius (1) for Hordes
Cryx Bane Lord Tartarus for Warmachine
Khador Kovnik Jozef Grigorovich for Warmachine

New last week:
COLDSNAP, newest Magic expansion. Back to ICE AGE for you!
RIFTS Worldbook 29: Madhaven for RIFTS
Five Fingers: Port of Deciet for Iron Kingdoms
Runner Havens for Shadowrun 4th Ed.
Hand of Shadow for Midnight
Evil Unleashed for Champions (Hero Games)