Compleat Games & Hobbies News

Welcome to "What's New" at Compleat Games & Hobbies. We will keep you up to date on new arrivals, coming attractions and upcoming events. Check in regularly!

Tuesday, October 31, 2006



It is coming up soon, World Wide DnD Day (WWDNDD for short). We will have 2 sessions of play, 1 from 10-2 and 1 from 3-7. Pizza will be served from 2 - 3, between sessions for everyone who shows up.

We will have 5 DM's, each able to support up to 6 people. So please show up and sign up, so that we know now how many people will be coming.

Hope to see you there!!



Thursday, October 26, 2006

We're Now Open! Thursday, October 26

I just got in, it's about noon, and we're open! Come on down, the roads are wet and a little slushy, but not bad. I think we'll be open until at least 5pm tonight, perhaps later.

Store Closed This Morning, Thursday, October 26

Due to the weather, we will be closed for at least the morning today. The snow is supposed to dissipate this afternoon and we'll see if we can get someone there to open later on. Check here later for word on evening events, like HorrorClix and Board Game Night. Thanks!

Thursday, October 19, 2006

New At Compleat - Pt. 2


Welcome to Round 2:

The Art of H.P. Lovecraft's Mythos

Enjoyed the Call of Cthulhu CCG? Just enjoy the Mythos Art? Just enjoy creepy pictures? Check out this book, which is full of high quality pictures. Guaranteed to drive you crazy... or just mildly deranged.


You don't have to outrun the dragon - you just have to outrun your friend. Get in, grab the gold, and get out. A quick board game from Fantasy Flight (shocking I know) for 2 - 6 players.

Tome of Corruption

A blasphemous tome of Chaos horror for Warhammer Fantasy: RPG. Our resident GM for WFtRPG calls this book, the Big Book of PC Death. Enjoy!

Super Munchkin 2: the Narrow S Cape

1st expansion for Super Munchkin. 110 new cards including: Too Much Coffee Man, The Fearsome Foot, The Slide Rule, and and the Two-Hour Monologue. Defeat Super-Villians, Grab the Super-Gadgets, and Stab Your Super-Buddy!!!

WoD: Mexico

Venture into the darkness that is WoD Mexico. Learn the 'true' history of Mexico, enjoy playing an new rich setting. Fight El Chupacabra!! 'Nuff Said.

Vampire: Dark Influences

A new card game set in the World of Darkness's Vampire: the Requim setting. For 2 - 5 devious players who forge bonds, win favors, and break vows to reign supreme over the night.



Wednesday, October 18, 2006

New At Compleat - Pt. 1

Hello All,

So far we have three new items in the store this week:

From Luke Crane and the Guys at Burning Wheel HQ:

Burning Empires

An epic science fiction rpg based on the Iron Empires graphic novels. Using the Burning Wheel system (a fantastic RPG that focuses in on the character's beliefs to drive the game) it delivers a fantastic sci-fi game. Already a big fan of Buring Wheel myself, I can't wait to try running in this setting.

From Rich Burlew and his company Giants in the Playground:

No Cure for the Paladin Blues

Book 2 in the adventuring antics of the Order of the Stick. After leaving the Dungeon of Dorukan behind, the Order finds themselves hounded by a mysterious figure. Who is it? Find out in the latest book. Already read the strips on the internet? This book is full of extras (just like Book 1 Dungeon Crawlin Fools), along with never before seen strips.

Speaking of the Dungeon of Dorukan...

Order of the Stick: The Adventure Game

That is right now you and up to 5 more friends (yes that is a total of 6!!) can battle Xykon minon's through the dungeon. With a very Munchkin'y feel, it is sure to be good fun.

More to come later!!